International platform for
intellectual property disputes

IP Mediate is a mediation platform offering mediation services for the resolution of intellectual property disputes (patent, copyrights, trademarks, designs, etc.). A mediation is a fast and cost-effective way of reaching a satisfactory settlement.

Why refer intellectual property disputes to mediation?

A mediation procedure is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR), helping the parties to reach a mutually settlement of their dispute, with the help of a neutral, independent, and impartial intermediary.

What is the advantage of mediation over legal proceedings?
A mediation is:

Mediation aims to preserve and enhance the relationship of the parties, after having ruled out the difficulties that could temporarily interrupt the discussions or the continuation of their activities.


Mediation for intellectual property disputes

Intellectual property disputes occur in business life, where a rapid response is sought (mediation can resolve a difficulty in a few days or a few weeks).

Experience shows that most of the mediations are related to license agreements (on a software for instance), follow the breach of an intellectual property right (copyright, patent, trademark, design), or even occur in the context of the negotiation or the performance of a contract. For all these situations, economic interests are at stake, and a speedy response is essential.

Using the services of a mediator specialized in intellectual property will speed up the process and optimize the chances of success of the mediation. The specialized mediator has a genuine understanding of the problem and possible solutions.

Do you face a dispute related to IP rights?

If you face a dispute, or a blocking difficulty in your business relations involving Intellectual Property rights, do not hesitate to contact us to find out if mediation can solve your problem. Contact us (by email or Linkedin).

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